Thursday, July 4, 2013

Mini updates...

Luke's most recent ride!

Fun days at Whitewater Lake : )

Jeremy graduates!

I'm so far behind...a tiny bit of catch up.

The Bruins didn't win the cup this year, but it was a great season, and we stood by our boys until the end!!!

Sara turned 12!!!  I can't believe how quickly time flies!

I turned 35...yuck! 

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Here's some update photos of Oxford...4 weeks old now, and getting big! : )

Monday, January 23, 2012

So, for those of you who are not on fb, this pupdate is for you! Oxford is 3 weeks old today, and here are the great photos that the breeder sent! He's growing so fast(as babies do), and getting cuter by the minute!

Friday, January 6, 2012

So, here comes 2012, ready or not! I've put some photos up throughout 2011. The most recent being my haircut, and the new puppy! Enjoy, and:
The year in photographic review(in random order). George's Christmas list:
Me hardies plunderin' fer booty on Halloween!
Enjoying a couple of cold ones in the beer tent at Walhalla Oktoberfest!
Spending time with grandma and grandpa when they come visit at South Cove on Lake Keowee!
These are the box dwellers Billy(front)and Mable(back). They'd curl up in a soup can if they could fit I'm sure!
This year Sara turned 10, and George turned 4! Where is time going in such a hurry!?!?!?
Luke got laid off at the rat farm, and is now a permanent employee at Ideal Steel. As you can see, he gets very dirty at work. This is actually a cleaner day than most!
George started his second year at Head Start this year. He has a great teacher, and will be beyond ready for kindergarten next year.
Sara started the 5th grade this year. I still can't believe she'll be going to middle school next year!
So I got 12 inches cut off my hair to donate to Locks of Love! You like?
This year we lost our beloved Zeus to cancer. He was a devoted companion, and he left a huge void in our hearts. So, in an effort to cope, and somehow fill that void...
we've decided to love an even bigger dog! Our new baby, born on January 2, is the far left in this photo...
and the very top in this one. He's a pure bred English Mastiff, and is gonna be a big boy! The hard part now is waiting the long 8 weeks until we can bring him home! We've been coming up with so many names that it's hard to choose. The latest we've played with is Oxford, and call him Ox for short. Fitting, don't you think?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dear Lord, I just wanted to take a minute to thank You for all the blessings in my life. I have a wonderful family, a supportive husband, two beautiful children, and more friends than I could ever ask for. I thank You for every struggle because it just makes me a appreciate all the good in my life that much more. Today was a toughie, but You got us through it. Please continue to watch over us and keep us safe. AMEN.
So, George had his tonsils and adenoids out and his sinuses flushed today. :( My poor baby. You can tell by the progression of photos: before, recovery, and ride home. It's been a tough day. I'm hoping it'll be a little better with each passing day, so keep my baby in your prayers for a speedy recovery!
My new tattoo that I got on St. Patrick's Day! It was the most painful yet, but it's healing it!

About Me

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I miss you NYers so much!!! Hope everyone enjoys the photos. I had fun taking them.