Thursday, August 30, 2007

As you can see, Sara has no front teeth now. She was at the dentist this morning. HOORAY FOR NO CAVITIES!

Monday, August 27, 2007

George really doesn't like "tummy time" too much, but he's doing really well. Look at him holdin' that big head up! He'd much rather be in his wrap taking a nap next to Mama. "Wearing" your baby is the latest thing. He loves it!
So Sara lost one of her front teeth. We've been calling her "snaggle", which she doesn't seem to like. She's actually getting ready to lose her other top front tooth too. She'll be a pro spaghetti slurper for sure then!

Friday, August 24, 2007

As you can see, we're trying to beat the heat around here. He was actually sleeping under those sunglasses. He's ready to go cruisin' for chicks! :^)
Sara had a lot of fun dressing up grandpa. However, George doesn't look too impressed. I guess we haven't found America's Next Top Model!?

Sara is a very proud sister and loves to help any way she can. She just can't get enough of her brother!

It was good to get home and try to get settled in. But
of course, with any change, it proved a little difficult
at first.
Introducing: George Anderson Smith Born: July 9, 2007 Weight: 9lbs. 6oz. LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THIS KID!!!!!
I had to be at the hospital the night before my surgery. Here I am getting checked out by the nurse. Check out that physique...I mean me, not the nurse! hahaha The most anyone had guessed the baby would weigh was 9lbs. 3oz. See you in the morning George!
I know a lot of you didn't get to see me at the end of my pregnancy, or at all for that matter. So, here I am on the 4th of July, larger than life. As soon as the fireworks started, the baby was jumping all over the place in there five days before his grand entrance into the world!!!

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I miss you NYers so much!!! Hope everyone enjoys the photos. I had fun taking them.