Monday, August 17, 2009

If anyone is interested in a box of Honey Buns or Donuts, let me know...I'm on a diet.
They sat in those boxes for the longest time. Sharing an apple, watching TV, you name it!
The babies and Billy...who doesn't belong on the couch, but it made for a cute photo.
Sara loves making the famed living room forts out of the couch cushions(and everything else she can get her hands on)!
Around these here parts, we cook up our youngins in the stock pot!
We also wear our sunglasses in the house because it's so bright!
Sara and Madison were playing EA Sports Active on the Wii the other night doing the dance workout, and George got right in there with them!!!
Sara's first day of 3rd grade! I can't believe it. She said "Are you going to take my picture every time it's the first day of school Mama?". Little does she know that I cry every time she goes off to school on the bus for like the first week! What a sap!

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I miss you NYers so much!!! Hope everyone enjoys the photos. I had fun taking them.