Friday, November 13, 2009

Here are some Halloween photos...there are just too many to post them all, but I'm sure you can get an idea of how much fun we had...can't wait to do it again next year!
Rita winding me up...she was a Shooting Star...complete with toy guns...and I was a Wind-up doll.
Susan as a woman of the 60's I think!?
Becky as a Renaissance Wench...and Sadie"the wild thing".
Gordon as Freddy Kreuger in our backyard cemetary.
Sara, George, and John Paul "The Bum".
Halloween Fun!
Even Mommy and Daddy dressed up...and very creatively, as BLACKMAIL!
George was a little bat who wasn't willing to spread his wings for the camera.
Sara was a vampire complete with fangs and fake nails!
We're still trying to figure out who Rosie and Sadie buried in Mare's back yard, but he/she added to the Halloween ambience, so we let him/her struggle!
Halloween Fun!
Barb the Yankee fan!
Pumpkin carving: a family affair!
George was offering the jack-o-lantern a drink.
Brian and Sue...hippies at our costume party!
Luke, the Honkey Cowboy, gettin' a little frisky with the witch.
Halloween Fun!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Last night was the annual Boo in the Zoo in Greenville. We had to run to the Dollar Tree to invent some last minute costumes as I hadn't yet recieved the ones I'd ordered off of Ebay. So Sara was a BAT FAIRY, and George was an ARMY GUY. (Thanks grandma! All the camouflage stuff you had gotten came in handy).
This morning the kids were playing with the masks they got in their Trick-or-Treat bags last night at Boo in the Zoo...cute little critters, aren't they?

Monday, August 17, 2009

If anyone is interested in a box of Honey Buns or Donuts, let me know...I'm on a diet.
They sat in those boxes for the longest time. Sharing an apple, watching TV, you name it!
The babies and Billy...who doesn't belong on the couch, but it made for a cute photo.
Sara loves making the famed living room forts out of the couch cushions(and everything else she can get her hands on)!
Around these here parts, we cook up our youngins in the stock pot!
We also wear our sunglasses in the house because it's so bright!
Sara and Madison were playing EA Sports Active on the Wii the other night doing the dance workout, and George got right in there with them!!!
Sara's first day of 3rd grade! I can't believe it. She said "Are you going to take my picture every time it's the first day of school Mama?". Little does she know that I cry every time she goes off to school on the bus for like the first week! What a sap!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

We've been having such a busy year. I'm going to try to bring it up to speed here with a few photos and comments. Luke bought and '09 Harley Davidson Nightrod father, like son...
This is our little porch pool we use for quick dips when it's too hot to stay outside for too long.
Dancing in the living room to the new Dave Matthews Band album.
George putting on a show...
George's 2nd birthday!
Future blackmail photos for sibling rivalry purposes!
Sara's 8th birthday!

About Me

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I miss you NYers so much!!! Hope everyone enjoys the photos. I had fun taking them.